Welcome to XZQfit

The fastest growing fitness movement among entrepreneurs & business executives all around the world.


It’s our mission to find the most practical & effective programs, so you can spend more time on things that matter.

Your body, your business.

Anything, anywhere, anytime

Your body, your rules.

Anything, anywhere, anytime

Ready to execute? Check This Out.


every day
of the week


Join theXZQ fit Revolution

Join the revolution and become part of a movement that won’t only change

body & mind, but also numerous businesses across the globe.

"My goal as an online Entrepreneur is to brake FREE from the rat race and to stay FREE in short I want to do what I want when I want period. XZQ Fit is the only way to keep fit and healthy anywhere anytime big shout out to Chappies and his team! Always there to assist, and their passion for Fitness and Health is so tense you can touch it."

Bertus Steenkamp
Online Entrepreneur

"Beeing a entrepreneur with several business i found it hard to get time to do my training. Chappies and the team at XYQFit did a great job to teach me how to train where ever and when ever. Managed to do my first 5150 with the help of the team."

Willie Van Dyk
Serial Entrepreneur

β€œIt was awesome seeing you again Chappies. #xzqbands is a great way to keep fit while traveling, working or chilling. It truly is a #workout anywhere, any time! Now I just need to build Chappies like muscles πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ”

Laurens Boel
Serial Entrepreneur